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Statistical Methods for Post-Genomic Data

Nom intervenant
M. Ragonnet-Cronin, G. Baele, A. Weber, M. Odaka... liste non exhaustive

It is an annual meeting dedicated to statistical methods for post genomic data analysis. The aim of the workshop is to present works from mathematical to applied Statistics, but also new areas in high throughput Biology that could need new statistical developments. (For more information about the SMPGD conferences, see the official website.)

The workshop is usually organized around 3 to 4 invited speakers, and 3 to 4 invited sessions, and one session of contributed abstracts (oral presentations and posters). As SMPGD is especially interested in the statistical, mathematical, algorithmics or modelling questions raised by modern biology, presentations are expected to focus on these points.


Dates Jeudi 20 janvier au vendredi 21 janvier 2022

Date du jour
Date de fin du Workshop