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Agence de moyen
Année de démarrage - Année de fin de projet
Année de soumission
International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
Date de fin du projet
Défi/axe ANR
Better understanding of the impact of risk factors and health determinants on the development and progression of cancer
Nom de l'appel d'offre
Partenaires (hors MIA-PS)
University of Utrech, Masaryk University, IRB, Imperial College, Leiden University, University of Oxford, Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, University of Tartu, University of Turin, , Catalan Institute of Oncology ... (20 European partners)
Participants de MIA-PS
Chiquet Julien
Titre du projet
Discovering the causes of three poorly understood cancers in Europe
The overall goal of DISCERN is to understand the causes of three poorly understood cancers in Europe - renal,
pancreatic, and colorectal cancer - and help to explain the geographical distribution of these cancers including their
high incidence in central and eastern Europe. This will be achieved by combining large-scale European
biorepositories comprising population-based cohorts and tumour case-series, with state-of-the-art exposomics and
proteomics, as well as genomics technologies that analyse both normal and tumour tissue. DISCERN will provide
the critical evidence base required to develop new prevention strategies for these cancers in Europe. DISCERN
builds upon ongoing Pan-European initiatives including the European Human Exposome Network (EHEN), the
partnership for chemical risk assessment (PARC), EXPANSE and the MUTOGRAPHS program.