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Hassan Hachem

Postdoctoral researcher at the Mathématiques et Informatiques Appliquées (MIA) laboratory, Université Paris-Saclay.

Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics 



Hassan Hachem currently works at the Mathématiques et Informatiques Appliquées (MIA) - Paris Saclay. He got his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and his Master degree in Probability and Statistics at the Lebanese University. He received his PhD at University of Technology of Troyes in Applied Mathematics (Statistics). Hassan's research interests are in Applied Mathematics, Probability Theory and Statistics. His current work focuses on studying health risk of PCB in meat using Bayesian statistics.


  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, University of Technology of Troyes, September 2022.
  • Masters in Statistics, Lebanese University, July 2019.
  • Bachelors in Pure Mathematics, Lebanese University, Faculty of Sciences, July 2017.


[1] Hachem, H., Fouladirad, M., & Vu, H., “State Estimation considering the Sensor’s Degradation”, CIGI-Qualita21, conference article.

[2] Hachem, H., Vu, H., & Fouladirad, M., “Remaining Useful Lifetime Prediction and Noisy Stochastic Deterioration Process Considering Sensor Degradation”, Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, conference article.

[3] Hachem, H., Vu, H., & Fouladirad, M., “Different methods for RUL prediction considering sensor degradation”, under revision in Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Journal article.



