Une semaine pleine, celle de MIA PS : mercredi on a reçu le comité HCERES, qui nous a permis de tou.te.s nous réunir pour réfléchir ensemble aux résultats de recherche des dernières années, à l'ambiance dans l'unité, mais surtout aux projets futurs. Pour fêter la réussite de la journée (et la chandeleur aussi), jeudi, on s'est attardé.e.s avec des délicieuses crêpes préparées par nos doctorant.e.s : un vrai plaisir !
UMR Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
UMR MIA Paris-Saclay, is a joint research unit of AgroParisTech, INRAE , and Université Paris Saclay, bringing together a team of statisticians and computer scientists who specialize in statistical and computational modeling and learning for various fields in the life sciences, such as biology, ecology, environment, agronomy, and agro-food. The unit's members possess a wide range of expertise in statistical inference methods (including complex models, latent variable models, Bayesian inference, learning, model selection, etc.) and algorithmic methods (such as generalization, domain transfer, and knowledge representation).
The unit is committed to developing original statistical and computational methods that can be applied in the life sciences. Their research activities are grounded in a solid understanding of the relevant disciplines, including ecology, environment, agro-food, molecular biology, and systems biology.
The unit is organized into two research teams: Statistical Modeling and Learning for Environment and Life Sciences (SOLsTIS) and Expert Knowledge, Interactive Modeling, and Learning for Understanding and Decision Making in Dynamic Complex Systems (EkINocs).
UMR MIA Paris-Saclay is affiliated with the MATHNUM department of INRAE and the MMIP department of AgroParisTech.
Director : Julien Chiquet
Deputy director : Sophie Donnet
EKINOCS team leader: Antoine Cornuéjols
SOLsTIS team leaders: Sophie Donnet et Pierre Barbillon